Device Service

Device Service APIs help you monitor and manage devices with functions such as Get Device List, Get Device Connection History, Get Device Usage History, Get Device Information, etc.

Web Service API Description
AddDevices Adds up to 200 devices to an account via a single API call. The devices are added in the Pre-Active state.
CheckDeviceAvailability Checks whether specified devices are known to the Verizon network and are available to be activated.
CheckOrderStatus Checks the status of an activation order and lists where the order is in the provisioning process.
DeleteDevices Deletes deactivated devices from the account.
GetAggregateDeviceUsage Returns the total usage (bytes and SMS) for each device in a list or group.
GetBilledUsage Get billing usage for a customer segment for a specified billing cycle, or the most recent billing cycle if one is not specified.
GetBilledUsageList Gets billing usage for a list of segmentation labels for a bulk of devices. You can retrieve device billed usage either for an entire billing account, or up to 2,000 devices identified by either EID or VIN, but not both.
GetDeviceConnectionHistory Returns a list of network connection events for a specified device.
GetDeviceExtendedDiagnosticsInformation Returns basic diagnostic information about a specified device, including connectivity, provisioning, and billing status.
GetDeviceInformation Returns information about a specified device, including its provisioning state, service plan, MDN, feature codes, and IP address.
GetDeviceList Returns a list of all the devices associated with an account.
GetDevicePRLInformation Returns the PRL version of specified devices.
GetDeviceProvisioningHistory Returns the provisioning history of a specified device.
GetDevicesInformation Validates whether devices are in a given account, and returns a subset of information about each device.
GetDeviceUsageHistory Returns the network data usage history of a specified device.
GetImeiMismatch Returns a list of all 4G devices with an ICCID (SIM) that is not paired with the expected IMEI (hardware).
GetRatedDeviceUsage Returns usage data for the current billing cycle for each specified device.
GetSmsEventHistory Returns the history of mobile-originated/mobile-terminated SMS messages for a single device that were sent or received via ThingSpace, within a specified time period.
UploadActivate Uploads and activates device identifiers for new devices from OEMs to Verizon.
UploadDevices Uploads device identifiers for new devices from OEMs to Verizon.