
Accepts either an account name or account number and returns information about the account.

Request Parameters

The request must include either the account name or the account number. If the request includes both AccountName and AccountNumber, AccountNumber will be ignored.

Parameter Type Description
string The name of the account for which you want the account number.

The billing number of the account for which you want the account name. If the request includes both AccountName and AccountNumber, AccountNumber will be ignored.

An account number is 10 digits, a hyphen, and then five more digits, such as 0252067890-00001.

Response Parameters

The response includes the account name and number, and other information about the account.

Parameter Type Description
AccountName string The name of the account. An account name is usually the same as the account number.
AccountNumber string The billing number of the account.
OrganizationName string The name of the organization that the account is part of.
IsProvisioningAllowed boolean True if devices can be added to the account and activated with a single request. False if devices must be added to the account before they can be activated.
Carriers list of Carrier The list of carriers for the account
Carrier Carrier The name of a carrier.
CarrierName string The name of a carrier.
Features list of Feature List of features enabled for the account.
Feature Feature The name of a feature enabled for this account
FeatureName string The name of a feature enabled for this account
IPPools list of IPPool The IP pools defined for the account.
IPPool IPPool IP pools definition.
PoolName string The name of the IP pool.
PoolType string The type of IP pool, such as "Static IP" or "Dynamic IP."
IsDefaultPool Boolean True if this is the default IP pool for the account.
ServicePlans list of ServicePlan The service plans enabled for this account.
ServicePlan ServicePlan Service plan definition.
Name string The service plan name.
Code string The service plan code, used when adding devices or changing device service plans.
SizeKb integer The amount of data included in the service plan.
CarrierServicePlanCode string Internal service plan reference code.
ExtendedAttributes string Any extended attributes for the service plan.

Example SOAP Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
    <token xmlns="">75519e03-36fc-421d-84a7-23fff01c9e96</token>

Example SOAP Response

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <GetAccountInformationResponse xmlns="">
      <Output xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
        <a:OrganizationName>Acme Widgets</a:OrganizationName>
            <a:CarrierName>Verizon Wireless</a:CarrierName>
            <a:FeatureName>Dynamic IP</a:FeatureName>
            <a:FeatureName>Customer PN</a:FeatureName>
            <a:PoolType>Dynamic IP</a:PoolType>
            <a:ExtendedAttributes i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
            <a:ExtendedAttributes i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>

Request Schema Diagram

Response Schema Diagram