
Returns basic diagnostic information about a specified device, including connectivity, provisioning, and billing status.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
string The Verizon billing account that the device belongs to. An account name is usually numeric, and must include any leading zeros.

The device for which you want diagnostic information, specified by the device's MDN.

NOTE: You can use GetDeviceList to get a list of all devices in the account.

string The type of the device identifier. Valid types of identifiers are:
  • ESN (decimal)
  • ICCID (up to 20 digits)
  • IMEI (up to 15 digits)
  • MDN
  • MEID (hexadecimal)
string The value of the device identifier.

Response Parameters

The response includes various types of information about the device, grouped into categories. Each category object contains the category name and a list of Extended Attribute objects.

DeviceIdentifier Category

The hardware and assigned identifiers for the device.

Extended Attribute Key Extended Attribute Value Description
The value of the specified device identifier type.

Provisioning Category

The current service state of the device, and dates of recent service changes.

Extended Attribute Key Extended Attribute Value Description
CreatedAt The date and time that the device was added to the system.
LastActivationBy The user who last activated the device.
LastActivationDate The date and time that the device was last activated.
LastDateSuspended The most recent date that a service suspension was started.
ResumeDate The date that the device will auto-resume based on the suspend reason code, the account contract, and the number of days that it has already been suspended in the last 12 months.
DeviceState The current service state of the device, which will be one of these values:
  • Pre-active
  • active
  • deactive
  • suspend
  • pending state change name

Connectivity Category

The device's current connection and roaming status.

Extended Attribute Key Extended Attribute Value Description
Connected True if the device is connected; false if it is not.
IPAddress The IP address of the device.
NetworkIdentity The device's current base station ID.
LastConnectionDate The most recent date and time that the device connected to the network.
LastDisconnectDate The most recent date and time that the device disconnected from the network.
LastRoamingStatusUpdate The date and time of the most recent RoamingStatus information.
RoamingStatus True if the device is currently roaming.
RoamingCountry The name of a country if RoamingStatus = true, or empty if false.
RoamingLastModifiedDate The date and time of the most recent RoamingStatus information.

Billing Category

Information related to the device's billing cycle.

Extended Attribute Key Extended Attribute Value Description
BillingCycleEndDate The date and time that the device's current billing cycle ends.

Usage Category

Data and SMS usage.

Extended Attribute Key Extended Attribute Value Description
CurrentBillCycleDataUsage The sum of all data, in bytes, that the device sent or received since the beginning of the current bill cycle.
CurrentBillCycleSMSUsage The sum of all SMS usage since the beginning of the current bill cycle. This number includes all SMS messages sent by the device and all acknowledged messages sent to the device.

Location Category

Device location information (subscription required).

Extended Attribute Key Extended Attribute Value Description
LocationSkuName The name of the service bundle for location services.
LastLocationUpdate The last time the device was located.
Latitude The last reported latitude of the device, in decimal degrees.
Longitude The last reported longitude of the device, in decimal degrees.

FOTA Category

Device firmware information (subscription required).

Extended Attribute Key Extended Attribute Value Description
FotaCurrentFirmwareVersion The firmware version that is currently on the device.
FotaCampaignDateOccurred The date and time of the last firmware update.
FotaSkuName The name of the service bundle for the Software Management (FOTA) Service.

LWM2M Category

Connection quality information for LWM2M devices.

Extended Attribute Key Extended Attribute Value Description
LinkQuality Cellular link quality, in db.
LinkQualityDate The date and time of the LinkQuality measurement.
RadioSignalStrength Cellular signal strength, in dbm.
RadioSignalStrengthDate The date and time of the RadioSignalStrength measurement.

DeviceAttributes Category

Various information about the device.

Extended Attribute Key Extended Attribute Value Description
AccountName The account that the device belongs to.
GroupName The device group that the device belongs to.
MCC Mobile Country Code, showing which country a device is registered in.
MNC Mobile Network Code, showing which network a device is connected to.
FeatureCodes List of numeric codes of features applied to the device.
FeatureNames List of names of the features applied to the device.
FeatureTypes IP address pool type and other features.
RatePlanName The service plan that the device is assigned to.

Example SOAP Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v2="" xmlns:nph="" xmlns:nph1="">
    <token xmlns="">c90dc3b0-fd42-4e37-ab30-e82f3cbea71c</token>

Example SOAP Response

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <GetDeviceExtendedDiagnosticsInformationResponse xmlns="">
      <Output xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
              <a:ExtendedAttributes xmlns:b="">
              <a:ExtendedAttributes xmlns:b="">
              <a:ExtendedAttributes xmlns:b="">
              <a:ExtendedAttributes xmlns:b="">
              <a:ExtendedAttributes xmlns:b="">
              <a:ExtendedAttributes xmlns:b="">
              <a:ExtendedAttributes xmlns:b="">
              <a:ExtendedAttributes xmlns:b="">
              <a:ExtendedAttributes xmlns:b="">
                  <b:Value>Private Static,NP5</b:Value>