
Returns information about a specified trigger or about all triggers in a given account or all triggers that the current user has access to.

Request Parameters

Specify only a TriggerId to retrieve information about a specific trigger. Specify an AccountName to get all triggers in the account. If you have access to more than one account, leave both TriggerId and AccountName empty to retrieve all triggers in all accounts.

Parameter Type Description
string The name of the Verizon billing account if you want all triggers defined in the account. An account name is usually numeric, and must include any leading zeros.
string The UUID of a trigger, if you want to retrieve information about a specific trigger.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
Triggers array of Trigger objects The list of triggers that match the request parameters
TriggerId UUID string The unique ID of the trigger.
TriggerName string The unique name of the trigger.
AccountName string The name of the account that the trigger belongs to.
Organizationname string The name of the organization that the account is part of.
DeviceGroupName string The name of a device group if the trigger is only active for devices in that group. "All Devices" if the trigger is active for all devices in the account.
NotificationGroupName string Null for triggers created with a CreateTrigger request. The name of a notification group for triggers created in the ThingSpace portal.
TriggerCategory string

The type of usage that the trigger responds to:

  • DeviceSMSUsage - The number of SMS (text) messages sent by and/or to a device
  • DeviceDataUsage - The amount of data sent by a device
  • DeviceSessionTime - The duration of session connections
CycleType string For DeviceSmsUsage and DeviceDataUsage triggers, the accumulation cycle of the trigger, "Daily", "Weekly", or "Monthly". Weekly cycles start on Monday, and monthly cycles are based on the account billing cycle.
SmsType string

For DeviceSmsUsage triggers, the type of SMS messages that count toward the trigger criteria. Null for other trigger types.

  • MO = Mobile-Originated (SMS messages sent by devices)
  • MT = Mobile-Terminated (SMS messages sent to devices)
  • MOMT = SMS messages sent by devices and to devices
Comparator string

The type of comparison to be made between the device usage and Threshold:

  • lt (less than)
  • lte (less than or equal to)
  • gt (greater than)
  • gte (greater than or equal to)
Threshold string The amount of usage (SMS messages, data usage, seconds of session connection) required to activate the trigger, based on the Comparator.
ThresholdUnit string

For DeviceDataUsage triggers, the units to be used for counting data usage:

  • MB = Megabytes
  • KB = Kilobytes
  • GB = Gigabytes
CreatedAt dateTime The date and time that the trigger was created.
ModifiedAt dateTime The date and time that the trigger was last modified.

Example SOAP Request

Get the details of a specific trigger.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""

Get all triggers in an account.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" 

Example SOAP Response

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <GetTriggersResponse xmlns="">
      <Output xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
            <a:TriggerName>Long Session Alert2</a:TriggerName>
            <a:OrganizationName>Nay Heavy Industries</a:OrganizationName>
            <a:DeviceGroupName>All Devices</a:DeviceGroupName>
            <a:NotificationGroupName i:nil="true"/>
            <a:CycleType i:nil="true"/>
            <a:SmsType i:nil="true"/>
            <a:ThresholdUnit i:nil="true"/>
            <a:TriggerName>MO SMS Alert</a:TriggerName>
            <a:OrganizationName>Nay Heavy Industries</a:OrganizationName>
            <a:DeviceGroupName>All Devices</a:DeviceGroupName>
            <a:NotificationGroupName i:nil="true"/>
            <a:ThresholdUnit i:nil="true"/>

Request Schema Diagram

Response Schema Diagram