
Changes the name and address associated with a device.

NOTE: This API method requires special account configuration, and it must be enabled for your organization before you can use it. Contact Customer Support or your Verizon Sales Representative and ask about being put on the IoT Workflow or IoT Order Flow to enable this method.

Uses and Requirements

The ThingSpace Platform sends a CarrierService callback message when the device contact information has been changed, or if there was a problem and the change could not be completed.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description

A list of the devices for which you want to change or remove the contact information, specified by device identifier. You only need to provide one identifier per device. Do not pass DeviceGroupName, AccountName, DeviceCustomFieldFilter, or DeviceServicePlanFilter if you use this parameter.

You can use GetDeviceList to get a list of all devices in the account.

For each device in DeviceList, use this structure of nested parameters:

required for DeviceList
string The type of the device identifier. Valid types of identifiers are:
  • ESN (decimal)
  • ICCID (up to 20 digits)
  • IMEI (up to 16 digits)
  • MDN
  • MEID (hexadecimal)
required for DeviceList
string The value of the device identifier.

The name of a billing account. An account name is usually numeric, and must include any leading zeroes.


The customer name and the address of the device's primary place of use. These values will be applied to all devices in the request.

The Primary Place of Use location may affect taxation or have other legal implications. You may want to speak with legal and/or financial advisers before entering values for these fields.

required for PrimaryPlaceOfUse
PrimaryPlaceOfUseCustomerName The customer name to be used for line usage taxation.
string An optional title for the customer, such as "Mr." or "Dr."
required for CustomerName
string The customer's first name.
string The customer's middle name.
required for CustomerName
string The customer's last name.
string An optional suffix for the customer name, such as "Jr." or "III."
required for PrimaryPlaceOfUse
PrimaryPlaceOfUseAddress The customer address for the line's primary place of use, for line usage taxation.
required for Address
string The street address for the line's primary place of use. This must be a physical address for taxation; it cannot be a P.O. box.
string Optional additional street address information.
required for Address
string The city for the line's primary place of use.
required for Address
string The state for the line's primary place of use.
required for Address
string The ZIP code for the line's primary place of use.
required for Address
string Either "US" or "USA" for the country of the line's primary place of use.
string The ZIP+4 for the line's primary place of use.
string A phone number where the customer can be reached (CBR).

A single letter to indicate the customer phone type:

  • M = Mobile
  • H = Home
  • F = Fax
  • W = Work/Business
  • P = Pager
string An email address for the customer.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
RequestId string A unique string that associates the request with the results that are sent via a callback service.

The ThingSpace Platform will send a separate callback message for each device that matched the request criteria, indicating whether the operation succeeded for that device and containing any requested information. All of the callback messages will have the same RequestId.

Callback Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
CallbackRequest CallbackRequest Wrapper element for all callback elements.
Username string The username defined when a URL was registered for the callback service, or an empty element if no username was defined.
Password string The password defined when a registered for the callback service, or an empty element if no password was defined.
RequestId string A unique string that matches the RequestId returned in the synchronous response to the original API request.

A separate callback message is sent for each device that matched the request criteria, indicating whether the operation succeeded for that device. All of the callback messages will have the same RequestId.

Device DeviceIdentifier The device that was changed.
Kind string The type of the device identifier. Valid types of identifiers are:
  • ESN (decimal)
  • ICCID (up to 20 digits)
  • IMEI (up to 16 digits)
  • MDN
  • MEID (hexadecimal)
  • MIN
Identifier string The value of the device identifier.
Data CallbackData The data elements for this callback.
CarrierService CarrierServiceCallbackRequest The data returned from a CarrierService API request.
ChangeDeviceState ChangeDeviceStateResponse Null for ChangeDeviceContactInfo requests.
ChangeDeviceFeatureCodes ChangeDevicefeatureCodesResponse Null for ChangeDeviceContactInfo requests.
ChangeDeviceServicePlan ChangeDeviceServicePlanResponse Null for ChangeDeviceContactInfo requests.
ChangeDeviceCostCenter ChangeDeviceCostCenter Response Null for ChangeDeviceContactInfo requests.
ChangeDeviceCustomFields ChangeDeviceCustomFieldsResponse Null for ChangeDeviceContactInfo requests.
ChangeDeviceIdentifier ChangeDeviceIdentifierResponse Null for ChangeDeviceContactInfo requests.
Change4GDeviceIdentifier Change4GDeviceIdentifierResponse Null for ChangeDeviceContactInfo requests.
MoveDevice MoveDeviceResponse Null for ChangeDeviceContactInfo requests.
ChangeDeviceContactInfo ChangeDeviceContactInfoResponse Empty in callback messages for ChangeDeviceContactInfo requests. Null for other CarrierService callback messages.
ExternalProvisioningChange ExternalProvisioningChange Null for this callback service.
PromoChange PromoChange Null for this callback service.
SMSDelivery SMSDelivery Null for this callback service.
PRLInformation PRLInformation Null for this callback service.
DeviceSuspendStatus DeviceSuspendStatus Null for this callback service.
Fault SoapFault Information about any errors that may have occurred.
faultcode QName
faultstring string
faultfactor anyURI
Comment string Null for this callback type.
Summary SummaryReport Null for this callback service.
Status string Null for this callback type.
CallbackCount integer The number of times this callback message has been sent.
MaxCallbackThreshold integer The maximum number of times this callback message will be sent if it is not correctly acknowledged.

Example SOAP Request

            <nph1:AddressLine1>9868 Scranton Rd</AddressLine1>
            <nph1:AddressLine2>Suite A</AddressLine2>
            <nph1:City>San Diego</City>

Example SOAP Response

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <ChangeDeviceContactInfoResponse xmlns="">
      <Output xmlns:i=""

Example SOAP Callback

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Body xmlns:xsi=""
    <CallbackRequest xmlns="">
            <ChangeDeviceState xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ChangeDeviceFeatureCodes xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ChangeDeviceServicePlan xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ChangeDeviceCostCenter xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ChangeDeviceContactInfo />
            <ChangeDeviceIdentifier xsi:nil="true"/>
            <Change4GDeviceIdentifier xsi:nil="true"/>
            <MoveDevice xsi:nil="true"/>
          <ExternalProvisioningChange xsi:nil="true"/>
          <PromoChange xsi:nil="true"/>
          <SMSDelivery xsi:nil="true"/>
          <PRLInformation xsi:nil="true"/>
          <DeviceSuspendStatus xsi:nil="true"/>
          <Fault xsi:nil="true"/>
          <Summary xsi:nil="true"/>

Request Schema Diagram

Response Schema Diagram